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3. Oekonux Conference -- Basics

Maintainer: Stefan Merten, Version 1, 07.01.2004
Projekt-Typ: halboffen
Status: Archiv

1. Basics

(1) This part is one piece in OpenTheory [http://www.opentheory.org/oxkonferenz3-basic/text.phtml] where you can comment on.

1.1. Content of the conference

1.1.1. Motto

(3) The motto of the conference is

(4) Reichtum durch Copyleft

(5) Kreativität im digitalen Zeitalter

(6) or .

(7) Wealth by copyleft

(8) Creativity in the digital age

(9) It would be nice if topics on the conference would match this motto.

1.1.2. Oekonux track

(10) Another proposal is to have a noticeable fraction of contributions form us, i.e. the people making up the Oekonux project, which tell about what we think on the Oekonux mailing lists. In the past Oekonux conferences this part was very small. This led to many rather basic questions about Oekonux theory in many presentations from those, who didn't know Oekonux well at this time.

(11) An interesting extension of such contributions could be that they give an outline of what happened in the project until now. What has been discussed and where is the respective discussion today.

(12) For this we should reserve an extra day or an extra track. It might be a good idea to take the Thursday for that so people new to Oekonux have the introduction in the beginning. A worse alternative would be to reserve a normal track for such contributions.

(13) It would be nice if such a big introduction into Oekonux theory could be followed by an open end plenary session where the need for general discussions with each other could have a place.

1.1.3. Extending the focus

(14) Another proposal is to widen the focus of the conference to address people not interested in Free Software so much but want to get inspired (e.g. young Attacis).

(15) Perhaps the framework of content can be more shifted to information society for which Free Software is the most developed germ form today. For instance the question of "intellectual property" should play a role. For this it is convenient to include issues far from software (e.g. music, drugs / generica).

(15.1) 08.01.2004, 21:29, Birgit Niemann: and genes...

(16) We should take into account that the WOS conference [http://wizards-of-os.org/] three weeks later has a similar concept - though there are also differences. However, there is unfortunately some chance that there is a competition for the same speakers.

(17) Also there may be another conference in the spirit of the OC conference just a week after the Oekonux Conference. This may create even more competition.

1.2. International conference

(18) Once more the conference should be laid out as an international conference. This includes:

(19) * the invitation of international contributors,

(20) * announcement in English and distribution in international media,

(21) * translation of the most important parts of the conference web site,

(22) * (simultaneous) translation during the conference

(23) - People who want to translate during a presentation into English or German, could be made recognizable so people interested in this translation can sit close to this and listen.

(24) Though simple to have this sort of whispering translation is a bit disruptive for others.

(25) - On a job list for professional translators we asked whether someone would like to help while receiving the same benefits as speakers. Actually there were some three of four people who offered help.

(26) There will be no technical infrastructure for real simultaneous translation (cabin, headphones, etc.). However, all of the professional translators who offered help seem to be ready to accepts whispering translation as well.

(27) Contrary to the 2. conference we should not have a separate English track.

1.3. Responsible body and supporters

(28) The official organizer for the conference is the Projekt Oekonux e.V. [http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/verein/].

(29) The rooms will be supplied by the Department of Philosophy at Vienna University [http://homehobel.phl.univie.ac.at/] by courtesy of Herbert Hrachovec [http://hrachovec.philo.at/]. So these are co-organizers.

(30) A possible supporter could be Public Voice Lab [http://www.pvl.at/].

(31) As further (financial) supporters the following have been asked:

(32) * Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung [http://www.rosa-luxemburg-stiftung.de/]

(33) They made no hope for substantial amounts of money if at all.

(33.1) 28.02.2004, 19:10, Stefan Merten: They probably can contribute some money.

(34) * Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung [http://www.heinrich-boell-stiftung.de/]

(35) Showed some interest. Probably will be clarified during January.

(35.1) 09.02.2004, 18:46, Stefan Merten: They generally agreed to partially fund the conference with some money. They need a more formal application.

(36) * Bewegungsstiftung [http://www.bewegungsstiftung.de/]

(36.1) 04.04.2004, 13:28, Stefan Merten: They can not sponsor the conference.

(36.2) 04.04.2004, 13:29, Stefan Merten: * Stiftung_Bridge

(37) * Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung [http://www.bpb.de/]

(37.1) 06.03.2004, 15:13, Stefan Merten: I dropped this because I did not get a response. The answer when I met the guy from BPB anyway was that there is very little chance.

(38) * Soros Foundation / Open Society Institute [http://www.soros.org/]

(39) Their reaction so far was to ask for more information.

(39.1) 04.04.2004, 13:30, Stefan Merten: Now the invitations are clarified I sent an application.

(40) At the Austrian attac summer academy there has been interest in the conference. May be some support could come from Attac Austria.

(41) In Vienna Franz Nahrada organized a group of people. They founded an own mailing list [http://philo.at/mailman/listinfo/oenux]. May be financial support also is organized by these Vienna based people.

(42) At the 2. conference we had a well working model where sponsors supported certain presentations. If they fit into the conference this could be repeated.

(43) Before and after the 2. conference some donations could be acquired. During the conference we asked the visitors for a donation instead of an admission fee.

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