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3. Oekonux Conference -- Invitations

Maintainer: Stefan Merten, Version 2, 10.01.2004
Projekt-Typ: halboffen
Status: Archiv

3. Who should be invited for a presentation?

(1) This part is one piece in OpenTheory [http://www.opentheory.org/oxkonferenz3-invite/text.phtml] where you can comment on.

(1.1) Re: 3. Who should be invited for a presentation?, 02.03.2004, 19:50, AGYIR THOMAS KWESI: SEND ME AN INVITATION LETTER TO ATTENED CONFERENCE. MINISTRY OF LANDS AND FORESTRY P.O BOX MB 212, ACCRA GHANA TEL 00233 21 687311 FAX 00233 21 666801

(1.1.1) Re: 3. Who should be invited for a presentation?, 03.03.2004, 08:46, Franz N: Sorry once and for all future posters: this is not the place to post such a request. If you feel you wish to present something at the conference, write to projekt (at) oekonux (dot) de.

( Re: 3. Who should be invited for a presentation?, 16.03.2004, 16:35, TAIWO OLOJA: one that is capable


(1.2.1) Re: INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE CONFERNCE, 16.03.2004, 16:31, TAIWO OLOJA: i want to be part of yur debate

( Re: INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE CONFERNCE, 16.03.2004, 16:34, TAIWO OLOJA: wanna be part of yur dabete

( Re: INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE CONFERNCE, 17.03.2004, 11:45, AGYIR THOMAS KWESI: send me invite to particpate the programme.

3.1. Suggestions

(2) In the following list at the start of each suggestion the suggester is named in square brackets (if known and remembered). In general this should be the person who cares about building contact. If persons are mentioned below they have been sent the Call for Contribution unless noted otherwise. If there is - to my knowledge - some reaction from them already this is also noted.

(3) I tried to create some categories based on content so the list is easier to understand and patterns may become visible.

3.1.1. Principles of Free Software in... ...school / education

(5) * [StefanMn] Karl Sarnow from Freie Software und Bildung [http://fsub.schule.de/].

(6) * [StefanMn] Hans-Peter Prenzel from OpenWebSchool [http://www.openwebschool.de/].

(6.1) 06.02.2004, 17:24, Stefan Merten: Is likely to come.

(7) * [StefanMn] Heiko Degenhardt from PingoS [http://www.pingos.org/]

(8) * [FranzT] Rebeca and Mauricio Wild (alternative school and economic systems / Ecuador) showed very much interest in Oekonux last summer.

(9) I don't know whether they received a CfC. ...material production

(10) * [StefanMn] Someone who can tell us something about fabbers and similar machines I would like to see on the conference very much. http://www.smalltimes.com/document_display.cfm?document_id=6413 might be an idea but I guess we could find someone from Europe.

(11) * [StefanMn] Christoph Beaupoil, who together with Graham gave a spontaneous session on the 2. conference about Free Hardware / Free Design should be asked explicitly.

(11.1) 06.02.2004, 15:45, Stefan Merten: [StefanMn] I invited Claus Müller of http://www.open-craft.org ...in science

(12) * [StefanMn] I met Michael Zaiser at the "We Seize!" conference. He did studies on the theory of self-organized studies. Also - as far as I understood - he just created a scientific magazine from pre-print server articles. There are Free scientific articles [http://arXiv.org/find/cond-mat/1/ti:+network*/0/1/0/past/0/1] from the area Michael works in. Note, that he is a physicist. The physicists were among the first where the movement for Free Science grew. He thinks about a contribution and comes back to us.

(13) * [StefnMn] Katja Mruck is involved in the FQS [http://www.qualitative-research.net/] project which is a Free scientific magazine.

(13.1) 15.01.2004, 15:33, Stefan Merten: [StefanMn] Peter Eckersley suggested Janet_Hope Her work on Open Source Biotechnology seems very relevant for the conference.

3.1.2. "Intellectual property" "Intellectual property" in other fields (pharmaceuticals, seeds, genes)

(15) * [StefanMn] Christian Wagner from Buko Pharma wants to come for the topic pharmaceuticals / generica.

(16) * [StefanMn] James Love spoke about pharmaceuticals / generica among other things.

(17) * [StefanMn] Michael Frein (Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst - EED) gave a presentation about seeds and "intellectual property" (I missed it). Thoughts on copyright / remuneration and alternatives

(18) * [StefanMn] Philippe Aigrain declared interest but could not come because of timing problems. He wrote Positive Intellectual Rights and Information Exchanges [http://opensource.mit.edu/papers/aigrain.pdf].

(19) Mail address did not work out.

(20) * [StefanMn] Peter Eckersley (Australia) gave an interesting talk about alternative forms of remuneration. Unfortunately I did miss the end where he may have presented his own suggestions and thoughts.

(21) Is interested.

(22) * [StefanMn] Michele Boldrin and David K. Levine do interesting things about copyright [http://www.dklevine.com/general/intellectual/intellectual.htm] based on conventional economist theory. They could be an interesting invitation.

(22.1) 09.02.2004, 20:05, Stefan Merten: David K. Levine is not available at this time :-( .

3.1.3. Free Software Free Software, market, work

(24) * [StefanMn] Perhaps Tom Schwaller who now works for IBM as Linux evangelist. Especially I would be interested in how IBM makes money on basis of Free Software.

(25) Has not been contacted yet.

(26) * [StefanMz] It would be interesting to invite people criticizing "Integrierten Betriebswirtschaftlichen Systemen" (IBS) like SAP. For instance Sabine Pfeiffer [http://www.sabine-pfeiffer.de/] who published an interesting article [http://iug.uni-paderborn.de/fiff/themen/ig/arbeitswelt/Pfeiffer] in the FIFF magazine. In particular together with Free Hardware people this could get exciting. Sabine wants to come. Free Software in less developed countries

(27) Free Software in the so-called III. World would be an interesting topic. It could range from the governmental decisions for instance in South America to development cooperations like VUM (FranzN knows more).

(28) * [StefanMn] I met Mothobi Mokheti at "We Seize!". He's involved in Khanya College [http://www.khanyacollege.org.za/]. Currently he is starting some activities to bring Free Software to social projects. This is pretty much what we are interested in. He took the CfC as a flyer.

(29) * [StefanMn / Graham] Someone from one of the South American governments who advocate Free Software. Brasil or Venezuela come to mind.

(29.1) 19.01.2004, 20:30, Stefan Merten: [Graham] Graham asked Felipe Perez who has been an ex-minister in Venezuela.

(29.1.1) 26.01.2004, 15:00, Stefan Merten: Would be pleased to be invited and would talk about the theory and practice of the Free Software movement here in Venezuela, and mention the moves of the government. He should send an a proposal.

(29.2) 19.01.2004, 20:32, Stefan Merten: [Graham] Graham asked Marcelo D'Elia Branco from Debian Brazil.

(29.2.1) 26.01.2004, 15:02, Stefan Merten: Is interested and would like to talk about the Brazilian experience but would need a translator since he does not speak English :-( . Could also propose others.

(29.3) 15.02.2004, 01:56, Stefan Merten: [StefanMn] G. Nagarjuna from Free Software Foundation India was proposed by Juan Carlos Gentile. I asked him to send a CfC.

3.1.4. Theory On Free Software and Information Society in general

(31) * [StefanMn] Gundolf Freyermuth who wrote a number of very good essays on current developments in the up-coming information society and also understood Free Software very well.

(32) Wants to come.

(33) * [StefanMn] Pekka Himanen has been invited again

(33.1) 15.02.2004, 12:51, Stefan Merten: [StefanMn] Aputsiaq Niels Janussen wrote a dissertation about hacker ethic from a philosophical point of view. I sent him the CfC.

(33.1.1) 19.02.2004, 22:34, Stefan Merten: He is very interested and tries to propose something before March, 1st. Also he likes it that the conference takes place in the Insitute for Philosophy :-) .

(34) Unfortunately the date does not fit for him :-( .

(35) * [StefanMn] Yochai Benkler's [http://www.benkler.org] Coase's Penguin, or, Linux and the Nature of the Firm [http://www.law.duke.edu/pd/papers/Coase's_Penguin.pdf] has been suggested to me two times during the last months. The conclusion I found very Oekonuxy indeed. We should invite him. He is professor in Yale [http://www.law.yale.edu/outside/html/faculty/yb32/profile.htm].

(36) May be he could be invited by the Department of Philosophy?

(37) AlanT has been asked to contact him or do something himself.

(38) * [Chris] Alan Toner, who did a session with Jamie King at the 2. conference could do a session on copyright and/or 'Information freedom' or something interesting. He probably wrote this article on the WSIS: Dissembly Language: Unzipping the World Summit on the Information Society [http://slash.autonomedia.org/article.pl?sid=03/07/22/0123234]

(39) * [StefanMn] Eric von Hippel probably created http://opensource.mit.edu/ and also published some interesting papers.

(40) * [StefanMn] Sheen S. Levine which gave a talk at the 2. conference would like to participate in the 3. one, too. I found his talk very interesting so I'd advocate this. From a political background

(41) * [StefanMz] André Gorz because of his new book "L'Immatériel". Interview under http://www.woz.ch/wozhomepage/26j03/gorz26j03.html.

(42) StefanMz asked him but unfortunately he feels to be to old for traveling. May be someone from his environment could be asked instead?

(43) * [Chris] Raoul Victor, who wrote Free Software and Market Relations [http://www.oekonux.org/texts/marketrelations.html] could do an interesting session based on that or something else. The New Questions section [http://www.oekonux.org/texts/marketrelations.html#New%20Questions] at the end contains material for several sessions.

(44) I don't know whether he received the CfC explicitly.

(45) * [StefanMn] I made a contact to Thomas Atzert one of the translators of Empire. I think between Oekonux and Empire the full potential to learn from each other has not yet been tapped. He made a note of the date.

(45.1) 16.01.2004, 11:09, Stefan Merten: He wants to come. Principles of Free Software and organization / domination / law

(46) * [StefanMn] Since the 1. conference I wanted to have someone telling us about the theses of Lawrence Lessig - namely "Code is Law". The Berlin based people around Bernd Lutterbeck / Robert Gehring are the first who come to mind.

(47) * [StefanMn] An alternative or add-on could be Johann Bizer [http://www.jura.uni-frankfurt.de/bizer/] who I came to know on the e-democracy Workshop and who I liked.

(48) * [Leopold] An interesting pool could be the Vienna based http://www.infolaw.at/.

(49) * [StefanMn] Erik Möller made a presentation about the topic "Why do Slashdot, Wikipedia and other big Free projects work? How does decision making work there?". Also is involved in the WOS conference.

(50) * [Chris] Ion Nec might be interested in doing a session on "Free media production - How Indymedia works" or something like that. She had written UkNetworkSnapshot [http://docs.indymedia.org/view/Local/UkNetworkSnapshot] which is interesting because it shows how much like a Free Software project Indymedia is.

(51) I guess Chris contacted her already.

(51.1) 26.01.2004, 11:40, Stefan Merten: She wants to come but as of now is not sure what to speak about.

(52) She suggested that we do a joint session on how indymedia works and how it is like a Free Software project. This session could have a title "Indymedia ? the journal of the revolution?" or something like that...

(53) * [StefanMn] I'd love to have someone on the conference who can tell us about what the Debian constitution means in practice. How is it handled? Why do people align to it? What if they don't? A introduction to the constitution itself for sure would be helpful for such a talk. Martin "Joey" Schulze could be interested.

(53.1) 02.02.2004, 18:28, Stefan Merten: He is interested :-) .

(54) * [Chris] Wikipedia [http://www.wikipedia.org/] also has some process to handle problems. This could also be an interesting thing to look at at the conference in some OHA focus. There are several ways to contact the Wikipedia; IRC [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:IRC_channel] and lists [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Mailing_lists] and the village pump [http://en2.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Village_pump] or even using the details on the contact us page [http://en2.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Contact_us]. Jimmy Wales as the founder of Wikipedia would also be interesting.

(55) I don't know whether there is any contact already.

(56) * [Chris] Jamie King has written an article on Openness And Its Discontents [http://gig.openmute.org/modules/wakka/PacketGang] - this might be something that could form the basis of a session on openness? Also "working in public" could be a label for this.

(57) I don't know whether there is any contact already.

(57.1) 15.01.2004, 15:21, Stefan Merten: [StefanMn, Graham] The potential speaker J. Martin Pedersen recommended Jaco Aizenman from the Free Software Consortium. Jaco lives in Costa Rica and can tell about the Southern / Central American relation to Free Software. Also he could talk about a transfer of the "architecture of organisation" from Free Software into other realms.

3.1.5. General From the movement

(59) * All people participating in the Project Oekonux of course :-) .

(60) * [Graham] Somebody of Hipatia. Probably Juan Carlos Gentile from Italy and if we have lots of money Diego Saravia from Argentina. Miscellaneous

(61) * [StefanMn] Shuddhabrata Sengupta was very interesting to me. He thought about the phenomenons of Free Software with structure and in depth.

(61.1) Re: Miscellaneous, 19.01.2004, 19:17, Stefan Merten: He is involved in http://www.sarai.net and wants to come. He lives in Delhi / India. He has some problems with the deadline for proposals. I asked him to send at least a short description about what he is going to talk so we have some idea.

(61.1.1) Re: Miscellaneous, 19.01.2004, 19:32, Stefan Merten: Shuddha also recommended Lawrence Liang (Bangalore / India). who has been looking at intellectual property related issues very closely, and is in his opinion doing quite pioneering theoretical work in the field of the interface between law, philosophy and political economy, in relation to intellectual property related questions, especially in software. He founded the Alternative Law Forum.

( Re: Miscellaneous, 26.01.2004, 14:55, Stefan Merten: He is very interested and will send a proposal. At that time he will be in Rotterdam.

(62) * [StefanMn] I'm not sure whether this really fits but this may be because I'm quite ignorant of this area. However, there seems to be some movement around WLAN / WiFi / Open Access and so on. I have no idea who could be reasonably asked for a contribution.

(63) * [Helmuth] Matthias Greffrath has visions. FranzN cited him two times in Die Vision der globalen Dörfer [http://www.oekonux.de/texte/globdorf.html]

(64) I don't know whether he received the CfC.

(65) * [Chris] The issue of "Women and the Free Software mode of production" came up at the WSIS discussions (and on the German list quite a number of times -- StefanMn). Why are there so few women doing free software development? Are there other projects on the net that use this mode of production that are dominated by women (I suspect that this is the case)? And if so what are they and what can be learnt from them? Maybe london.crafts [http://london-crafts.org/].

3.1.6. More ideas?

(66) Add here or under the header matching best.

(66.1) Re: 3.1.6. More ideas?, 29.01.2004, 11:59, Stefan Merten: I find the research done at Institute_for_Software_Research of utmost interest. I sent Walt Scacchi the CfC.

(66.2) Re: 3.1.6. More ideas?, 02.02.2004, 16:54, Stefan Merten: I invited Jens_Mühlhaus who is a member of the German Green Party. He describes the decision of Munich to switch to GNU/Linux and also promotes Free Software in/via his party.

(66.3) Re: 3.1.6. More ideas?, 19.02.2004, 22:27, Stefan Merten: [StefanMn] On suggestion by Olga from HBS I invited Georg Greve to talk about the WSIS and the civil society activities there. [At first this has been entered in the wrong place.]

3.2. Proposals received so far

(67) Proposals which have been made so far to projekt at oekonux.de should be listed here. The link in the archive should be included so we have a common reference to all proposals here. Also it would be good to include the location someone comes from because (unfortunately) this may be an important aspect in terms of money.

(68) This is the state as of 2004-01-09:

(69) * Sarawut Chutiwongpeti [http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03152.html] proposed some art project.

(69.1) 24.03.2004, 23:06, Stefan Merten: Has been rejected.

(70) * Isabel Saij [http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03153.html] (Cologne, Vienna) proposed a art project based on copyleft.

(70.1) 05.04.2004, 19:44, Stefan Meretz: Has been accepted.

(71) * Jaromil [http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03155.html] wants to talk about 4 years of developing Free Software in the domain of multimedia art. Also he could tell about links between Rasta culture and Free Software.

(71.1) 06.04.2004, 21:54, Stefan Merten: Has been not invited.

(72) * Edward Cherlin [http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03196.html] (Cupertino / California / USA) describes himself as a Simputer Evangelist. He proposed a contribution about Simputers.

(72.1) 24.03.2004, 23:15, Stefan Merten: Has been accepted.

(73) * Markus Hauser [http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03202.html] wants to present his Projekt glocondis. Parts of this project are based on patented software.

(73.1) 24.03.2004, 23:05, Stefan Merten: Has been rejected.

(74) * Patrice Riemens [http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03204.html] offered to prepare a workshop or similar on the topic of the political economy of IP. We discussed [http://www.oekonux.org/list-en/archive/msg01172.html] a paper from him.

(74.1) 06.04.2004, 21:54, Stefan Merten: Has been not invited.

(75) * J. Martin Pedersen [http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03241.html] (England) from the Free Software Consortium [http://www.fsc.cc/] offered contributions to three various topics: "Free Software movement and Indymedia: a tool for culture building"; the legal debate about Free Software; and academic curriculum development

(75.1) 05.04.2004, 19:59, Stefan Meretz: Has been accepted.

(76) * Further

(76.1) Wolf Goehring, Germany, 13.01.2004, 14:22, Franz Nahrada: Wolf Goehring, [] offers a speech on "overcoming war by overcoming merchandise production". Wolf is a long - term contributor to the German oekonux list and wants to focus on material production and the current possibilities to overcome commodity production. (about translation and terrms see: http://www.opentheory.org/translat/text.phtml (Über einige Schwierigkeiten Marx zu verenglischen) By the way: Wolfs website is at http://www.ais.fraunhofer.de/~goehring

(76.1.1) Re: Wolf Goehring, Germany, 15.01.2004, 15:23, Stefan Merten: Proposal in [pox] archive: http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03258.html

( Re: Wolf Goehring, Germany, 06.02.2004, 18:23, Stefan Merten: More elaborate proposal in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03500.html

(76.1.2) Re: Wolf Goehring, Germany, 06.04.2004, 21:55, Stefan Merten: Has been not invited.

(76.2) Christian Wagner, Bielefeld, 15.01.2004, 08:50, Franz Nahrada: Christian Wagner from Buko Pharma (see above paragraph 15) has submitted an abstract [], where he intends not only to show the negative results of patenting medical drugs, but also alternatives in research.

(76.2.1) Re: Christian Wagner, Bielefeld, 15.01.2004, 18:00, Stefan Merten: Proposal in [pox] archive: http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03276.html

(76.2.2) Re: Christian Wagner, Bielefeld, 24.03.2004, 23:07, Stefan Merten: Has been accepted.

(76.3) Stefan Meretz and Michaela Hipp, Berlin, 17.01.2004, 22:36, Franz Nahrada: Stefan and Michaela are doing a paid software project - union.cms, a collaboration platform for labour unions. They want to reflect on the restrictions and possibilities of a "singularily free" software project (in opposition to a double free software project which is determined by the authors), one that is determined by an employer who does not want to own the source.

(76.3.1) Re: Stefan Meretz and Michaela Hipp, Berlin, 19.01.2004, 20:24, Stefan Merten: Proposal in [pox] archive: http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03316.html

(76.3.2) Re: Stefan Meretz and Michaela Hipp, Berlin, 24.03.2004, 23:12, Stefan Merten: Has been accepted.

(76.4) Sheen S. Levine, Philadelphia USA, 03.02.2004, 18:55, Franz Nahrada: Sheen writes: "I enjoyed my participation at Oekonux in Berlin" (see http://zweite.oekonux-konferenz.de/dokumentation/texte/Levine.html) "and hope to be able to participate again this year. I would like to submit “Cultivating the Digital Commons: A Framework for Open Collective Innovation”, which suggests a framework for understanding the emergence of phenomena as varied as open source software, file sharing, and viruses.

(76.4.1) Re: Sheen S. Levine, Philadelphia USA, 06.02.2004, 17:39, Stefan Merten: A reaction from him in the [pox] archive at http:///www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03482.html An abstract might follow.

(76.4.2) Re: Sheen S. Levine, Philadelphia USA, 05.04.2004, 20:18, Stefan Meretz: Has been accepted.

(76.5) Felipe Perez Marti, 03.02.2004, 22:28, Graham Seaman: I would be pleased to talk about the theory and practice of the Free Software movement here in Venezuela, and mention the moves of the government (unfortunately the ministry of education just signed a contrac with MS in order to educate our children por 5 years, but we are fighting the measure; in other fields, our "guerrilla war" tactics are rendering fruits). Here I am sending you two papers, which I would mention as one approach for a theoretical foundation that explains the robustness of producing public goods (among them software) through altruism, in the short, and in the long run. I would not talk tecnically, but the papers would serve to set the stage for a talk about this way of producing and distributing public goods (that include also information, knowledge and technology in general), and its great usefulness to help poor people and poor countries. Requires travel costs paid to be able to come.

(76.5.1) Re: Felipe Perez Marti, 06.03.2004, 22:08, Franz Nahrada: was sending an email to Graham - temporarily lost because of the attachments. Graham writes "I forwarded it to the list before but somehow missed Stefan Mn's message to me saying that it had bounced since it was too long. So I'm resending it, this time with the pdf attachments Felipe mentions deleted." The submission is herewith registered. We will try to make also these papers available.

( Re: Felipe Perez Marti, 07.03.2004, 22:00, Stefan Merten: An original post is now in the [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03935.html

(76.5.2) Re: Felipe Perez Marti, 24.03.2004, 23:03, Stefan Merten: Has been rejected.

(76.6) Marcelo d'Elia Branco, 03.02.2004, 22:39, Graham Seaman: Marcelo or a colleague can talk about the experiences of the involvement of the Brazilian government in free software, especially in the pioneering state of Rio Grande del Sur. Marcelo is active in debian, free software implantation in state departments, and Hipatia. He would need a flight from Brazil paid.

(76.6.1) Re: Marcelo d, 06.04.2004, 21:55, Stefan Merten: Has been rejected (because of language).

(76.7) Marcin Jakubowski, Wisconsin, USA, 08.02.2004, 12:27, Franz Nahrada: is interested in presenting a paper on "Open Source Economics: Normalization of Best Practice to Address Pressing World Issues". Marcin has created a non-profit named Open Source Ecology in Madison, Wisconsin that can be found here

(76.7.1) Re: Marcin Jakubowski, Wisconsin, USA, 09.02.2004, 19:19, Stefan Merten: Original post in [pox] archive is at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03533.html

(76.7.2) Re: Marcin Jakubowski, Wisconsin, USA, 24.03.2004, 23:11, Stefan Merten: Has been accepted.

(76.8) 15.02.2004, 13:29, Stefan Merten: [StefanMn] On suggestion by Olga from HBS I invited Georg Greve to talk about the WSIS and the civil society activities there.

(76.8.1) 19.02.2004, 22:27, Stefan Merten: Oh sorry, this para is in the wrong place. I copied it to the right place.

(76.9) Stefan Merten, Kaiserslautern, 19.02.2004, 17:15, Franz Nahrada: aims to contribute with a talk or in a panel in German, talking about a topic which has been debated hotly on the Oekonux lists. Organisation, Herrschaft, Anarchismus -Regeln und Sozialsysteme in Freien Projekten Organisation, Domination, Anarchy - about rules and social systems in free projects. "I plan to use some examples from the Oekonux project which I'm the maintainer of for quite some time now and which I think can be considered a Free Project. Also I hope I can include examples from Free Software projects."

(76.9.1) Re: Stefan Merten, Kaiserslautern, 19.02.2004, 22:30, Stefan Merten: Original post in [pox] archive is at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03623.html

(76.9.2) Re: Stefan Merten, Kaiserslautern, 24.03.2004, 23:13, Stefan Merten: Has been accepted.

(76.10) Manfred Füllsack, Wien, 21.02.2004, 09:52, Franz Nahrada: Offers to speak about factors and dynamics which separate between knowledge and its economic exploitation. His goal is to advocate guaranteed basic income for knowledge producers not just because of moral reasons, but because of the structural properties of knowledge production which allow no direct economic justification of income. *bietet einen Vortrag "ueber jene faktoren und dynamiken" an, "die erstens wissen an sich als ein in terms of eigentum schwer zurechenbares produkt auszeichnen, die zweitens in der aktuellen situation dafuer sorgen, dass die verwertung von wissen unplanbar wird, sprich zunehmend dem zufall anheim gestellt ist, und die drittens deshalb dafuer sprechen wuerden, wissen von der notwendigkeit seiner verwertung (und allenfalls auch von der kategorie des eigentums) abzukoppeln und seine produktion und weitergabe pauschal, etwa ueber ein existenzsicherndes grundeinkommen abzugelten."

(76.10.1) Re: Manfred Füllsack, Wien, 22.02.2004, 22:57, Stefan Merten: Original proposal in [pox] archive is at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03645.html

(76.10.2) Re: Manfred Füllsack, Wien, 06.04.2004, 21:02, Stefan Meretz: Has been accepted.

(76.11) Jörg Bergstedt, Saasen/Reiskirchen, 21.02.2004, 16:08, Franz Nahrada: aims to discuss in a workshop which forms of visible social practise really contribute to wealth creation by copyleft or rather wealth creation by overcoming all forms of property. his main concern is that only in opposing dominance structures really collaborative structures can emerge. #möchte in einem Workshop diskutieren, welche Formen der sichtbaren Praxis in der Gesellschaft das Thema "Reichtum durch Copyleft" vorabringen. Er fragt nach "Kreativen Aktionen" im Zusammenhang mit "visionären Zielen" die seinem Dafürhalten nach auf "Reichtum durch das Ende von Eigentum" (aller Art) abheben müssen. Jörg hat seine Grundposition unter anderem in http://www.opentheory.org/herrschaftsfrei dargestellt, möchte aber auch mit der Form seines Beitrags einen Raum zur Entfaltung kreativer Ideen aller Teilnehmenden geben.

(76.11.1) Re: Jörg Bergstedt, Saasen/Reiskirchen, 21.02.2004, 22:41, f n: original post is in http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03620.html

(76.11.2) Re: Jörg Bergstedt, Saasen/Reiskirchen, 24.03.2004, 23:04, Stefan Merten: Has been rejected.

(76.12) Thomas Atzert, Germany, 21.02.2004, 22:47, Franz Nahrada: proposes a talk (or rather a workshop) on the subject of immaterial labour. The focus is on the specifics of immatedrial labour in regard to exploitation, division of labour, cooperation and finally the relation between labour and non-labour.

(76.12.1) Re: Thomas Atzert, Germany, 23.02.2004, 23:20, Stefan Merten: Original proposal in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03652.html

(76.12.2) Re: Thomas Atzert, Germany, 24.03.2004, 23:14, Stefan Merten: Has been accepted.

(76.13) Thilo Jahn, Germany, 22.02.2004, 19:21, F N: wants to present the concept of "userCommunities". He submitted some papers in german about the technical specifications and about the general intention of UCs. Basically, UCs are attempts to regain social competences by organized borrowing and lending of consumer goods. They are not production oriented, but they increase wealth by de-individualizing the consumption sphere. Based on reputation, they aim to create trust and connections between members of a community.

(76.13.1) Re: Thilo Jahn, Germany, 23.02.2004, 23:21, Stefan Merten: Original proposal in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03661.html

(76.13.2) Re: Thilo Jahn, Germany, 06.04.2004, 21:58, Stefan Merten: Has been not invited.

(76.14) Gunter van Aken, Paris, 23.02.2004, 16:56, Franz Nahrada: wants to talk about "Wikiresearch: free science, free writing". Gunter is a long-standing Wikipedia author and has consequently put his proposal in the experimental oekonux mediawiki at http://en.wiki.oekonux.org.uk/Wikiresearch:_free_science,_free_writing

(76.14.1) Re: Gunter van Aken, Paris, 23.02.2004, 23:22, Stefan Merten: Original proposal in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03670.html

(76.14.2) Re: Gunter van Aken, Paris, 24.03.2004, 23:11, Stefan Merten: Has been accepted.

(76.15) Benni Baermann, Germany, 23.02.2004, 17:11, Franz Nahrada: long-term contributor of the german oekonux list wants to present a paper "Where do we get our meals from ??". The text is a trial to systematicaly screen all the usual answers on "how can the princople of free software be transferred to the production and provision of material goods. Benni offers to do this in a workshop with other people and was joined by several oekonux-ees in a hot discussion on the german list. The text is only available in german so far: http://www.opentheory.org/broetchen/text.phtml

(76.15.1) Re: Benni Baermann, Germany, 23.02.2004, 23:23, Stefan Merten: Original proposal in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03659.html

(76.15.2) Re: Benni Baermann, Germany, 24.03.2004, 23:17, Stefan Merten: Has been accepted.

(76.16) Enki Boehm, Germany, 23.02.2004, 20:12, F N: wants to speak about "the relation between money and reputation, the problems of existing coplementary currencies and systems of local exchange - and eventually introduce repcash", which I suppose is a currency somehow based on reputation. Some questions to the author in the followUp.

(76.16.1) Re: Enki Boehm, Germany, 23.02.2004, 21:47, Franz Nahrada: Errata: Enki is based in Vienna and he has given a more precise version of his proposal. In this version, the focus is on compensation for creative work in the public domain.

(76.16.2) Re: Enki Boehm, Germany, 23.02.2004, 23:25, Stefan Merten: Original proposal in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03677.html

( Re: Enki Boehm, Germany, 25.02.2004, 11:04, Stefan Merten: There is another thread at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03679.html

(76.16.3) Re: Enki Boehm, Germany, 24.03.2004, 23:08, Stefan Merten: Has been accepted.

(76.17) Martin P.Hardie , Mozambique, 24.02.2004, 11:08, Franz Nahrada: is interested to speak at the conference. He has just released a paper titled "Floss and the Crisis - Foreigner in a Free Land?" at http://mozambique.twiki.us/twiki/bin/view/Main/EnglishVersion stating that "Floss, its methods of production, as a form of labour and its location within the realm of the global politic is firmly a part and parcel of the world of crisis. Floss is in many ways the archetypal crisis media, and its potential as an alternative thus rests with decisions made by those that live and act within these crisis times."

(76.17.1) Re: Martin P.Hardie , Mozambique, 25.02.2004, 10:27, Stefan Merten: Original proposal in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03685.html

(76.17.2) Re: Martin P.Hardie , Mozambique, 24.03.2004, 23:05, Stefan Merten: Has been rejected.

(76.18) Herbert Hrachovec, Vienna, 24.02.2004, 11:31, Franz Nahrada: Is our local host and maintainer of local organization at the conference, but also has offered an interesting contribution on FS-style scientific publishing, the "Open Archive Initiative" based on a standardized protocoll for query of bibliographical metadata from digital archives (OAI-PMH: Open Archive Initiative - Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) This standard allows the creation of distributed virtual digital archives (service providers) based on the automated collection of works (data provider). This means that scientists themselves can be data providers, in fact a broad movement for self-archiving has emerged, aiming at accesability at professional bibliographical standards - thus providing an alternative to the attempts of big publishers to commercialise and proprietize scientific work.
An example will be shown with the Vienna OAI - compatible archive for electronically stored theory http://sammelpunkt.philo.at
The workshop will present the technical and theoretical foundation of OIA and the perspectives of its development.

(76.18.1) Re: Herbert Hrachovec, Vienna, 25.02.2004, 10:28, Stefan Merten: Original proposal in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03686.html

(76.18.2) Re: Herbert Hrachovec, Vienna, 24.03.2004, 23:16, Stefan Merten: Has been accepted.

(76.19) Wolfgang Polatzek, Mainbernheim, 25.02.2004, 01:20, F N: wants to speak about the process that leads "from local to transformative economies", by networking of entities in the alternative economic sector based on the experiences of the free software movement.

(76.19.1) Re: Wolfgang Polatzek, Mainbernheim, 25.02.2004, 10:29, Stefan Merten: Original proposal in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03690.html

(76.19.2) Re: Wolfgang Polatzek, Mainbernheim, 06.04.2004, 21:11, Stefan Meretz: Has been accepted.

(76.20) Helmut Dunkhase, Germany, 25.02.2004, 14:15, F N: is known from previous conferences (-> http://erste.oekonux-konferenz.de/dokumentation/texte/) and wants to speak in favor of a planned economy in the sense that "the worker gets back exactly the amount of consumption goods that he has put into the production process". There are a lot of referrals to the "scotish school" -> http://home.t-online.de/home/hDunkhase/Scots.html on his webpage.

(76.20.1) Re: Helmut Dunkhase, Germany, 28.02.2004, 20:12, Stefan Merten: Original proposal in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03696.html

(76.20.2) Re: Helmut Dunkhase, Germany, 24.03.2004, 23:06, Stefan Merten: Has been rejected.

(76.21) Raoul Victor, Paris, 29.02.2004, 10:24, Franz Nahrada: has written completely indepent of oekonux a very interesting discussion statement about Free_Software_and_Market_Relations - in a french mailing list which is also a very good introduction to the oekonux problematique in French and English. He wants to make a contribution on I could make a contribution on "Marxism and free-software", analyzing the changing nature of productive forces against the relations of production, the non merchant nature of the post capitalist society. Marxism needs to be transformed in Raouls opinion and free software can redefine its strategic implications and the exact meaning of the communist project.

(76.21.1) Re: Raoul Victor, Paris, 06.03.2004, 23:04, Stefan Merten: Original proposal in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03729.html

(76.21.2) Re: Raoul Victor, Paris, 24.03.2004, 23:12, Stefan Merten: Has been accepted.

(76.22) Graham Seaman , England, 29.02.2004, 11:51, Franz Nahrada: who has been a long-term contributor to the English and German list and conferences and very focussed on FreeHardwareProjects, wrote: I'd like to do a talk at the conference about the relation of technology to society. This would be general rather than talking about any specific project." Abstract with specific will follow shortly.

(76.22.1) Re: Graham Seaman , England, 06.03.2004, 23:06, Stefan Merten: Original proposal in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03765.html

(76.22.2) Re: Graham Seaman , England, 24.03.2004, 23:17, Stefan Merten: Has been accepted.

(76.23) Marcelo D'Elia Branco, Brasil, 02.03.2004, 23:52, Franz Nahrada: was addressed by Graham to talk about the relationship between free software development and political processes in countries like Brasil that support free software development intentionally. agreed on possibility to talk, requires sponsorship for airfare, does not speak english / translation needed. see website www.softwarelivre.org

(76.23.1) Re: Marcelo D, 06.03.2004, 23:10, Stefan Merten: Original proposal in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03788.html

(76.23.2) Re: Marcelo D, 24.03.2004, 23:04, Stefan Merten: Has been rejected (because of language problems).

(76.24) Jörg Hafer, Berlin, 03.03.2004, 00:18, Franz Nahrada: is focussed on the development of educational software and wants to look into the possibility of a general approach towards e-learning beyond specific academic projects. Jörg sees the Oekonux-conference as a good opportuinity to talk with developers, users and all interested parties about the state of free e-learning SW projects and about perspectives of future developments in regard to broader social contexts.

(76.24.1) Re: Jörg Hafer, Berlin, 06.03.2004, 23:14, Stefan Merten: Original proposal in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03794.html

(76.25) Yuwei Lin, York, UK, 03.03.2004, 00:38, Franz Nahrada: is renaming EMACS (short for Editing MACroS) into "Epistemologically Multiple Actor-Centred System". An important earlie piece of free software development is the background for a socio-technical analysis how "Actors from different backgrounds contribute multiple ways of knowing, understanding and resolving problems that arise in the innovation process. This paper will employ a socio-technical perspective to analyse how EMACSen are shaped by diverse actors, and at the same time also shape these actors and their practices." paper can be found at http://www-users.york.ac.uk/~yl107/BB030204.html

(76.25.1) Re: Yuwei Lin, York, UK, 06.03.2004, 23:16, Stefan Merten: Original proposal in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03792.html

(76.25.2) Re: Yuwei Lin, York, UK, 06.04.2004, 21:15, Stefan Meretz: Has been accepted.

(76.26) Hans-Gert Gräbe, Leipzig, 03.03.2004, 08:59, Franz N: who contributed to earlier Oekonux Conferences (>http://www.erste.oekonux-konferenz.de/dokumentation/texte/graebe.html) suggests that there is a secular focus in social reproduction from the simple production process to increasing production preparation processes. Free Software Production is based on immense communication and mirros a general trend in the necessities of social production. Preparation requires networking which markets cannot deliver or even (more likely) actively sabotage.

(76.26.1) Re: Hans-Gert Gräbe, Leipzig, 06.03.2004, 23:18, Stefan Merten: Original proposal in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03799.html

(76.26.2) Re: Hans-Gert Gräbe, Leipzig, 24.03.2004, 23:18, Stefan Merten: Has been accepted.

(76.27) Andrius Kulikauskas, Vilnius, Lithuania, 03.03.2004, 09:35, Franz Nahrada: is the central node of a large network of "independent thinkers" (>http://www.ms.lt). Andrius contribution focuses on social inventions that allow voluntary and self-unfolding contributions of many kinds to be more effective and relevant - both in the quality of the result achieved and in the sustainability of the individual that has to make a living. "Our solution is that wealth is relationships". That requires innovations like: working openly, opening content intentionally, managing productive forms of intense social interactions like "virtual flash mobs". It means also to actively pursue (in the spirit of the cluetrain manifesto) the communication work that markets and corporations might feel the need for but cannot do themselves. "Who are ideal clients, what services might we offer, and how might we engage them?

(76.27.1) Re: Andrius Kulikauskas, Vilnius, Lithuania, 06.03.2004, 23:20, Stefan Merten: Original proposal in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03795.html

(76.27.2) Re: Andrius Kulikauskas, Vilnius, Lithuania, 06.04.2004, 21:20, Stefan Meretz: Has been accepted.

(76.28) Aputsiaq Janussen, Nuuk/Greenland, 03.03.2004, 23:06, Franz Nahrada: writes: "In my view the hacker ethic allows us to debate not only software, but also technology, science and culture in general. Therefore my contribution should be seen as a service pack or a patch to Himanens valuable account on hacker ethics"

(76.28.1) Re: Aputsiaq Janussen, Nuuk/Greenland, 06.03.2004, 23:26, Stefan Merten: Original proposal in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03812.html

(76.28.2) Re: Aputsiaq Janussen, Nuuk/Greenland, 06.04.2004, 21:25, Stefan Meretz: Has been accepted.

(76.29) Stefan Matteikat, Munich, 03.03.2004, 23:23, Franz Nahrada: wants to focus on the potential of the transparent nature of production and distribution through new commodity tracking technologies (the "internet of things") for new forms of participatory influence on material production. Is there a fundamental colission with properties of the dominant mode of production and its juridical expressions (trade secrets,exclusive control, warranty, etc.) when everybody can POTENTIALLY follow the process of material reproduction online? What are the potentials?

(76.29.1) Re: Stefan Matteikat, Munich, 06.03.2004, 23:28, Stefan Merten: Original proposal in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03820.html

(76.29.2) Re: Stefan Matteikat, Munich, 06.04.2004, 21:33, Stefan Meretz: Has been accepted.

(76.29.3) Re: Stefan Matteikat, Munich, 04.02.2006, 22:41, mohammed sakr: 12345

(76.30) Michael Zaiser, Edinburgh, 03.03.2004, 23:45, Franz Nahrada: proposes to give a non-mathematical introduction into scientists views of self-organized networks and to discuss the operation of scientific communities as an example - in particular the scientific community investigating self-organized networks. Non-proprietary information circulation through electronic archives, connectivity patterns, hierarchies in such networks in view of access and distribution of information and in view of decisionmaking are involved topics.

(76.30.1) Re: Michael Zaiser, Edinburgh, 06.03.2004, 23:31, Stefan Merten: Original proposal in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03826.html

(76.30.2) Re: Michael Zaiser, Edinburgh, 06.04.2004, 21:38, Stefan Meretz: Has been accepted.

(76.31) Franz Aigner, St.Georgen im Attergau (Austria), 04.03.2004, 00:56, Franz Nahrada: suggests to talk about „e-democracy and open politics following open source principles for modern government" or rather "governance without government" respectively "politics without politicians". There is extensive background material available online at http://www.internetpartei.at/ and http://www.e-demokratie.at/

(76.31.1) Re: Franz Aigner, St.Georgen im Attergau (Austria), 06.03.2004, 23:33, Stefan Merten: Original proposal in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03837.html

(76.31.2) Re: Franz Aigner, St.Georgen im Attergau (Austria), 24.03.2004, 23:03, Stefan Merten: Has been rejected.

(76.32) Christoph Spehr,Bremen, 04.03.2004, 01:16, Franz Nahrada: raises the issue of " issue of dominance structures within our own networks " that need to be discussed. likes to show a short video On rules and monsters. Free cooperation - an introduction

(76.32.1) Re: Christoph Spehr,Bremen, 04.03.2004, 01:22, Franz Nahrada: (which in its total can also go to a fringe event) Favors the inclusion of people who talk about gender issues, partriarchy, especially in relation to computers, dominance etc.

(76.32.2) Re: Christoph Spehr,Bremen, 06.03.2004, 23:35, Stefan Merten: Original proposal in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03838.html

(76.32.3) Re: Christoph Spehr,Bremen, 24.03.2004, 23:08, Stefan Merten: Has been accepted.

(76.33) S Bipin Agravat, India, 04.03.2004, 09:16, Franz Nahrada: presents a proposal about an " InfoDev" Project in remote village of India. "We setup an infokiosk with multimedia in a village with Internet connection and stay there for 3 month to make people aware about how to share the informations to use the ditial tools for their daily life." Change in the community, change in the learning pattern in children and the school and whole community took place. change in the social patterns both in community, and the development team, eg. how they redesign the interactive browser of kiosk accroding to the community need .

(76.33.1) Re: S Bipin Agravat, India, 06.03.2004, 23:36, Stefan Merten: Original proposal in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03839.html

(76.33.2) Re: S Bipin Agravat, India, 06.04.2004, 21:45, Stefan Meretz: Has been accepted.

(76.34) Till Mossakowski, Bremen, 04.03.2004, 21:42, Franz Nahrada: of Bremen Oekonux AG suggest a fresh look at free shops - as access points not only to things of daily needs, but also to pc and internet. It was suggested that people interested in free shops meet on the side of the conference anyway, the question is how much are they on topic at the conference.

(76.34.1) Re: Till Mossakowski, Bremen, 06.03.2004, 23:38, Stefan Merten: Original proposal in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03840.html

(76.35) Till Mossakowski, Bremen, 04.03.2004, 21:46, Franz Nahrada: made a second suggestion about "Democratic Economy", again on the background of practical experiences in Bremen, but more of a visionary character. How do we deal with the perspective of automation? what is the opportunity and what is the danger, how can the loss of sensual qualities, the subtle destructiveness and the immense potential of external control - all challenges of automation - be met?

(76.35.1) Re: Till Mossakowski, Bremen, 06.03.2004, 23:41, Stefan Merten: Original proposal in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03865.html

(76.35.2) Re: Till Mossakowski, Bremen, 24.03.2004, 23:15, Stefan Merten: Has been accepted.

(76.36) Claus Müller, Ilsfeld, 04.03.2004, 22:05, Franz Nahrada: started to publicize tools that he wrote for his work as a carpenter under a free license. He was inspired by a cooperative exchanging knowledge on the internet (KonCraft) , but he did not want a "closed network", but rather start something really open. so he created http://www.open-craft.org - the embryonic form of the first open (some might call it "virtual") cooperative of carpenters or rather around carpentry. Claus has begun to evangelize his idea, influenced by the ideas of oekonux and requests that craftspeople start opening up their skills and tools. He wants to discuss potentials of this development.

(76.36.1) Re: Claus Müller, Ilsfeld, 06.03.2004, 23:43, Stefan Merten: Original proposal in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03865.html

(76.36.2) Re: Claus Müller, Ilsfeld, 24.03.2004, 23:08, Stefan Merten: Has been accepted.

(76.37) Michael Schreiber, Vienna,, 04.03.2004, 22:38, Franz Nahrada: member of the Vienna preparation group, suggests a talk "Copyrighted Numbers and Land Art Participation". "Form computation and land art provide simple tools for conversations about copyright and other issues."

(76.37.1) Re: Michael Schreiber, Vienna,, 06.03.2004, 23:44, Stefan Merten: Original proposal in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03843.html

(76.37.2) Re: Michael Schreiber, Vienna,, 24.03.2004, 23:06, Stefan Merten: Has been rejected.

(76.38) Lorenz Glatz and Franz Schandl, Vienna, 04.03.2004, 23:33, Franz Nahrada: offer an introductory workshop
1. "when are we rich, what is the meaning of useful? Thoughts on being rich in a commodity society and on the question of what is a good life"
2. "Is copyright helping us to produce differently and to create something different? ? Thoughts on the difficulties to overcome commodity society and on the limited significance of productive force" of labor"
Both speakers are part of the editorial board of "Streifzuege"

(76.38.1) Re: Lorenz Glatz and Franz Schandl, Vienna, 06.03.2004, 23:45, Stefan Merten: Original proposal in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03848.html

(76.38.2) Re: Lorenz Glatz and Franz Schandl, Vienna, 24.03.2004, 23:09, Stefan Merten: Has been accepted.

(76.39) Stephan Eissler, Tübingen, 04.03.2004, 23:48, Franz Nahrada: Has submitted a paper which argues from a liberal position against the "so called intellectual property". Even without questioning private property and from the base of liberal theoriess the notion of "intellectual property" can be rejected. The notion of the "camps" (here the liberals advocating IP, there the socialists fighting IP) is overlooking that IP is giving way to anti-liberal totalitarian tendencies. And more than that: the very same reasons since Locke that justify private property of scarce resources, lead to the justification of copyleft in the intellectual domain.

(76.39.1) Re: Stephan Eissler, Tübingen, 06.03.2004, 23:49, Stefan Merten: Original proposal in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03863.html

(76.39.2) Re: Stephan Eissler, Tübingen, 24.03.2004, 23:14, Stefan Merten: Has been accepted.

(76.40) George Dafermos, UK/Greece/..../cyberspace, 06.03.2004, 14:22, Franz Nahrada: likes to speak about " the intersections between the free/open source software community and the counter-globalisation movement". His paper is at http://radio.weblogs.com/0117128/oekonux/free_software_and_radical_multitude.html (constanty updated) and was largely inspired by connfrontation with the Oekonux community in Berlin. "Most of the anti-globalisation fury is aimed at corporate entities, and in my opinion, the organisation/development model of free software projects, and the way the projects interface with commercial entities unveils a bew face of co-operation which is immanent to labour, and represents a fresh antitode to the suffocating blanket of pessimism."

(76.40.1) Re: George Dafermos, UK/Greece/..../cyberspace, 06.03.2004, 23:50, Stefan Merten: Original proposal in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03855.html

(76.40.2) Re: George Dafermos, UK/Greece/..../cyberspace, 06.04.2004, 21:50, Stefan Meretz: Has been accepted.

(76.41) Christof Beaupoil, Aachen, 06.03.2004, 22:21, Franz Nahrada: announced: State of the art regarding free hardware
- case 1: "Volksbeamer"
- case 2: "Volksmühle" (multi-puropose-grinder?)
Development processes used, commonalities and differences with Raimonds bazaar - model - the meaning of standards - are there working business models - - lessons learned - critical success factors - transferability to other free hardware projects - perspectives.

(76.41.1) Re: Christof Beaupoil, Aachen, 06.03.2004, 23:52, Stefan Merten: Original proposal in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03864.html

(76.41.2) Re: Christof Beaupoil, Aachen, 24.03.2004, 23:15, Stefan Merten: Has been accepted.

(76.42) Wolfgang Pircher, Vienna, 06.03.2004, 23:39, Franz Nahrada: is challenging, based on modern ethonological findings, the widespread assumption that "exchange" (and thus calculable value) is at the base of all economy (in theory and practise). There is a second strain in history which could be described as "donation" or "contribution" which seems to attract diverse theoretical and political interest in the neo-liberal Scrooge world. The speech attempts to link the discourse of the conference to those these theoretical and political motives and their commonalities.

(76.42.1) Re: Wolfgang Pircher, Vienna, 06.03.2004, 23:53, Stefan Merten: Original proposal in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03871.html

(76.42.2) Re: Wolfgang Pircher, Vienna, 06.04.2004, 21:54, Stefan Meretz: Has been accepted.

(76.43) Michele Lionetti, Torino, Italy, 07.03.2004, 00:20, Franz Nahrada: says "A library is central in the diffusion of knowledge. In the past the knowledge diffusion was an oral diffusion, then it becomes a written diffusion. The library was and is the place where you can read and learn. A multimedia library can diffuse the knowledge in different ways: not only by reading, but by hearing and seeing too. The computer technologies, the web technologies can help to get knowlwdge in a multimedia way. The software that we use to do it is knowledge too and we want to read it if we want as a book. So we need Free Software platform to catalogue traditional books or to get information trough the web. This a project here in Piedmont (Italy): >"

(76.43.1) Re: Michele Lionetti, Torino, Italy, 08.03.2004, 22:08, Stefan Merten: Original proposal in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03914.html

(76.43.2) Re: Michele Lionetti, Torino, Italy, 06.04.2004, 22:00, Stefan Merten: Has been not invited.

(76.44) Marion Hamm , London, 07.03.2004, 22:00, F N: wants to talk about "free software development model applied to collaborative text-production" is looking at indymedia, wikipedia and an embryonic translation project as case-studies

(76.44.1) Re: Marion Hamm , London, 08.03.2004, 22:10, Stefan Merten: Original proposal in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03845.html

( Re: Marion Hamm , London, 09.03.2004, 22:35, Stefan Merten: A more complete proposal in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03946.html

(76.44.2) Re: Marion Hamm , London, 24.03.2004, 23:17, Stefan Merten: Has been accepted.

(76.45) Andres Trawöger, Austria, 08.03.2004, 11:21, Franz Nahrada: submitted a very interesting proposal "Open Bandwidth or the Human Right to access information!" opn Monday 1st of March. I did not register him here because i think his speech is perfect content for the "Vienna Wireless Convention" which we planned als a preceding event to Oekonux on 2oth of May. same location! If there is "popular demand" that he is present at the ox-event, too, this should be expressed in the poll.

(76.45.1) Re: Andres Trawöger, Austria, 08.03.2004, 22:12, Stefan Merten: Original proposal in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03823.html

(76.46) Gundolf S. Freyermuth, Arizona (cf. 31), 08.03.2004, 22:29, F N: suggests a contribution linking Open Source practise to the basic structure of digitisation - its embeddedness and relation - in analogy to the embeddedness of copyright and Taylorism in and relation to the industrial technological structure. The outcome is a "cultural history of digitisation" which promises us a birds-eye view on the innovations that we are living through since two decades.

(76.46.1) Re: Gundolf S. Freyermuth, Arizona (cf. 31), 09.03.2004, 22:34, Stefan Merten: Original proposal in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03703.html

(76.46.2) Re: Gundolf S. Freyermuth, Arizona (cf. 31), 24.03.2004, 23:10, Stefan Merten: Has been accepted.

(76.47) Jaco Aizenman, Costa Rica,, 08.03.2004, 23:10, F N: of the free Software consortium, offered a speech on the UNIVRI proposal on (>http://www.virtualrichts.org|Virtual Rights) , or the (>http://www.fsc.cc|Free Software Consortium). Jaco is active in various transformation processes: "We already are using the Free Software Consortiums model/architecture of organization into another sector: Universities. A set of Universities around the world are self-organizing themselves to make a Free Academy, which will be a common effort to offer courses and titles that use free licenses, like the FDL/GFDL and others from Creative Commons".

(76.47.1) sorry, 08.03.2004, 23:11, Ano Nym: http://www.virtualrights.org

(76.47.2) Re: Jaco Aizenman, Costa Rica,, 09.03.2004, 22:35, Stefan Merten: Original proposal in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03961.html

(76.47.3) Re: Jaco Aizenman, Costa Rica,, 06.04.2004, 22:00, Stefan Merten: Has been not invited.

(76.48) Aviv Kruglanski, Spain, 15.03.2004, 22:06, Stefan Merten: Proposed to talk about Free Fashion. Original post in [pox] archive at http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/liste/archive/msg03909.html

(76.48.1) Re: Aviv Kruglanski, Spain, 06.04.2004, 22:01, Stefan Merten: Revoked his proposal.

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