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Projekt »73594952«

Pfad: open theory · offene theorie :: ot-Spezielles :: 73594952


Maintainer Titel Projekt-Typ Mailingliste Kurzbeschreibung Status
Jay mopeder Link auf den Projekt-TextThe U.S.A. will be destroyed? / Nuclear disarmament now halboffen 73594952 The U.S.A. will be destroyed? "... and this great country of ours like Rome before ours is tottering on it's last legs and is about to come crashing down. We are already bankrupt... . But when we are unable to go any further because of a series of disasters that none of us can foretell. And eventually the United States like Rome before us will fall." ~ Garner Ted Armstrong (Evangelist) It's not that I want our country to be destroyed. I don't want that to happen. It's inevitable. http://www.garnertedarmstrong.org Nuclear disarmament now We are going about the nuclear proliferation problem incorrectly. The U.S. is telling these other countries like Iran, North Korea and others that they should not possess W.M.D.'s. While at the same time we're not willing to give up ours. That's sending the wrong message. No countries in the world should have Nuclear or chemical weapons, including the U.S. There should be a verification plan to make sure they and we are complying with disarmament. We should defend our country with conventional means as should they. Our freedom and democracy is very important, but not if it means we have to destroy the world to save it. http://www.icq.com/groups/group_details.php?gid=12025668 Aktiv


Projekt/Version Spr./Datum Titel Mailingliste Anz. Aktivität Status
hoch Link auf die Projekt-Startseite.. (ot-Spezielles) 1 xx 15.02.2009 »Spezielle und sonstige Projekte« ot-Spezielles 117 51.41% Aktiv
aktuell 73594952 1 en 24.03.2005 Link auf den Projekt-TextThe U.S.A. will be destroyed? / Nuclear disarmament now 73594952 3 0.53% Aktiv


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Copyright (c) 2005 Jay mopeder

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